Saturday, October 26, 2013

What's your Trick or Treat experience?

Obviously since I've only been Trick or Treating once in my life (and I was too young when I went to recollect anything), I need the stories and experiences of others to show what a great time Halloween can be.
This week I'm not using the opinion of one interviewee, but of several! All of these people grew up Trick or Treating, loved it, and say that someday they would definitely let their kids go Trick or Treating on Halloween.
Gwyn- She grew up in a neighborhood with a lot of elderly people so her parents never really worried about safety issues. And I think it's safe to guess that her neighbors gave out some of the best treats. Her favorite thing about going Trick or Treating was just spending time with her little siblings. One time she remembers dressing up with her little brother as a pair of matching bears.
Angela- "You get to dress up and look adorable!" And when she mentioned that her favorite costume was dressing up like Raggedy Anne, I can imagine that she looked adorable every year. Angela loved going every year with her brother and parents. She also stated that now as a business major, she looks at it as an opportunity for "free" goods. "It's free candy!" she said, then added that if your kids are sitting at home watching all the other kids having a good time, you'd better have a pretty good reason for not letting them join in the fun. 

Haley- She loved going Trick or Treating every year with her friends and family, describing Halloween as a "really good bonding time." All of the people in her neighborhood gave out great treats (like huge Hershey's bars). Her opinion is that it's fun for the kids, and she doesn't see anything wrong with it. "It's all in your approach (to Halloween)," she said. "I don't want my kids to have a legalistic mindset." She also described Trick or Treating as a great stress reliever because you set aside all your homework/work and get to be silly for an evening. "And it's acceptable in society (to do so)!"
Kristyn- Her experience sounded like a blast to me! She and her fireinds would all meet at one of her friend's house, and they would have a big party. They would eat tons of food and after a bit head out to round up some candy. They would spend the night alternating going back to house or going around to different neighborhoods Trick or Treating. Her response to Halloween was, "It's fun. It's tradition. And it's just something you do." She said she always dressed up as a figure skater, ballerina or fairy.
My childhood, neighborhood friends- We were all pretty close in my cul-de-sac, and I remember that one year, all the kids in my neighborhood decided to go together as the Starwars cast. I think that was the only year I really wished I could go Trick or Treating because all the kids wanted me to be Princess Leia. (Only because my name is pronounced "Lay.") I know that all my neighbors had a blast together, and it was cool idea and great for uniting all the neighborhood kids.
Now I realize that I didn't get any feedback from guys, but that's not for lack of asking! Every guy that I talked to about it said he didn't or wasn't allowed to go Trick or Treating when he was younger. So let's balance it out some. What's your favorite Trick or Treat experience?


  1. When I was really little, we dressed up and went to Papaw's house for candy. Even after I got older, Mamaw and Papaw bought us candy. We didn't live in a neighborhood, so we didn't really have any where else to go! haha.
    I remember one year we went trick or treating downtown at the local businesses. They held a costume contest and my witch outfit won! (Imagine me as a witch! I wish I could find the picture. I was ugly. lol)

  2. I had to laugh when two different friends from church posted links on the same day to two very different approaches to Halloween!

  3. Samantha- That's hilarious! I would love to see that picture! =)

    Addy- both very interesting articles! It is an issue that mothers (especially Christian mothers/parents) should carefully consider. We never know what things may stick in a child's mind or influence or skew their thinking in the future.
