Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 9: Obsessed with Sanitation vs. Building your Immune System

I took a week off, but now I'm back with a new and exciting topic! I tend to be the one who eats/drinks after (almost) anyone, with the reasoning that I'm building up my immune system with every new little germ I intake. This philosophy typically works too. I rarely get sick, and I definitely get sick less than my friends who are extremely careful to avoid germs.

But I know plenty of people who are the opposite. They avoid eating or drinking after others (even family), use hand sanitizer or wash their hands frequently. Some people I know do this because they are trying to avoid getting sick, but others are simply grossed out by the thought of sharing other people's germs.

So this week I'll be taking the position of what most people affectionately call "germaphobes."

On this issue, people sometimes have a very difficult time understanding the other side. Non-germaphobes find the obsession annoying, and often rather rude and snobbish. Germaphobes are often repulsed by the "nons" habits/practices of sharing and supposed "lack of sanitation." Hopefully, this week I can help share how germaphobes really feel, and why they obsess about sanitation. 


  1. I guess I'm one of those weird people who cannot make up my mind on whether I'm a germaphobe or not. I'd say decidedly not, but if anyone sneezes near me? I seriously cover my nose and mouth for the next minute. I can't breathe. *shivers* Next time in class and it happens, watch my reaction. You can point and laugh; they all do. ;)

    Anyway, it's kind of funny how infrequently I get sick. I get the common cold every so often, but when most people get sick at school I don't. I usually chalk it up to being around little kids so much, at home or at work, so I must have a high immune system. But I'm knocking on wood right now. Who knows what plague might come upon me otherwise?

  2. If I think about it too much, I can get pretty grossed out by stuff. But that's the key...I don't let myself think about it. =) And I probably will turn around to look at your reaction the next time someone sneezes in class. ;)

  3. I was sick frequently as a kid, but now, despite the frequent hand-washing and sanitizing, I rarely get sick. I could just be an exception though...

  4. Hmm. Yeah I don't really have hard evidence for the germs-build-immunity thing, but it's fun to say. =)
